Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.
Prov. 27:17
What is MOTR?
Fellowship, Fitness & Faith
MOTR is about you.
The bible says that "the body is a temple for the Holy Spirit, and to honour God with it" 1Cor.6:19,20
But so many of us abuse ourselves in everyday life. As a man, you're conditioned to believe that you have to be stoic, tough, successful and impervious. So you work hard to provide. Nose to the grindstone. Fearing failure and fighting to stay relevant. But all this struggle comes at a cost. You are living unsustainably if you ignore what God is telling you to do. Take care of yourself.
You are not alone. There are others like you. Men with their own struggles. If your self-accountability has failed there is strength in numbers. As friends we celebrate each others triumphs. As brothers we share each others burdens.
MOTR is about finding God's plan for you, starting with your health. Through prayer, physical exercise and mentorship, you will discover new meaning; and learn how to use the talents and abilities God has given you, to glorify Him in all that you do.
Conditioned by the Holy Spirit. We submit our bodies as living sacrifices. Seeking strength in the Lord to become stronger, healthier men. To be able to do what He calls us to in our lives. To become Christ-centered and fulfil the purpose that God has created us for.
If you're tired of spinning your wheels, it's time to get traction. It's time for MOTR.

Men of the Rock
Conditioned by the Holy Spirit.
We prepare ourselves, not for our own benefit...
but to be ready to do whatever God calls us to.
Striving to give Him glory in everything.

Free Sessions
Fellowship Fitness Faith

Special Events
Team MOTR: Running & OCR